Beware though there are Garuda (lv30+) and Grand Dragons (LV60+), only fiddle up there if you have Quina's level 5 death to put on the dragons which are totally awesome to level off of! A single Thundaga can ice you. It can only be found in forests, and only after it's been 20 seconds or more since your last battle or. In order to obtain this trophy, you must find the Ragtime Mouse and answer all 16 of its questions correctly then encounter it once more for the. In total, the Ragtime Mouse asks sixteen questions. Youll know when you hear the battle music (although the Gaia Spirits share. The Ragtime Mouse is a special friendly enemy that, when encountered, will ask you a True or False question about the world of Final Fantasy IX. It can appear only a certain number of times per game disc, so once you've answered these maximum number of questions, whether you get them correct or not, you won't see him again until you transition. Ragtime Mouse Occasionally you may encounter an enemy called the Ragtime Mouse. Again, you don't have to complete this side-quest just to finish the game but, if you want to complete the Ragtime Mouse side-quest. The Ragtime Mouse, who looks more like an Alice in Wonderland maitre d' than a mouse, will ask you various trivia questions about Gaia. In these instances, the battle music is different, as with the Friendly Monsters.
#Ffix ragtime mouse Patch#
In that forest is the friendly monster Nymph too! On Disc three, once you have the airship, go to the patch of woods all by itself up top away from gizmalukes grotto, not the wood that you re-enter gizmaluke's grotto, but the other. 5,963 Exp, 59,630 Gil, Protect Ring The Ragtime Mouse runs a quiz game throughout the game. Ragtime Mouse, while accompanied by the Friendly Monster music, is not part of the Friendly Monsters sidequest. Ragtime Mouse is just a side-quest of the Final Fantasy IX game. The Ragtime Mouse While traveling through the forests of Gaia, you may run across an odd being named the Ragtime Mouse. On Disc 2 you know the little patch of forest before the Lifa tree, I believe he's there too, and you can encounter him up to 6 times. That strange battle is the Ragtime Mouse. It will take a lot less than 20-30 minutes if you save after every encounter. You may have ran into a strange battle while you were running through the world map, where a strange red guy asked you a question.

It was planted long ago by Garland as a gigantic soul filter, filtering the souls of Gaia.

The easiest way to encounter ragtime mouse is to, save your game on the world map and try to tap your arrow keys on your keyboard so you do not cause the forest dustup you make while running, and in the forest on disc 1, near Dali after the ice cavern, you can find him 4 times. The Iifa Tree, called Iifa, the Ancient Tree of Life in the location introduction, and sometimes mistaken as the Lifa Tree, is a location on the world of Gaia in Final Fantasy IX.