He is a native Arabic speaker- a language which has the trilled R. The leader of Hezbollah, Hasan Nasrallah, is a Lebanese leader and is mocked for his rhotacism when he says, “ Amwīka ” and “ Iswā’īl ” for the Arabic Amrīka (America), and Isrā’īl (Israel). This leads them to have issues in their phonotactics and creates an inability to pronounce the English “R” in the middle of words. It’s actually due to the fact that Mandarin (Chinese) words can have an “r” sound in the beginning of a word, but not in the middle or end of a word. Some people might mock Asians, specifically Chinese, for not being able to pronounce the English word “broccoli” correctly- rather pronouncing it “browccoli”. Other languages with a trilled R include Bulgarian, Hungarian, Arabic, Finnish, Romanian, Indonesian, Russian, Italian, and most Swedish speakers. For example, in Spanish the “rr” is a trilled R. Rhotacism is, in theory, more common among people whose native language has a trilled R. How does rhotacism work in different languages? For language nerds, here’s a really great explanation of how the word came into being. The Latin word came from Ancient Greek word rhōtakismós which means to incorrectly use “rho” which is the equivalent of the Greek R. The word rhotacism comes from the New Latin rhotacism meaning peculiar or excessive use of. Ironically, all three speech impediments contain the troubled letter within them. Within the 2000-2001 school year, more than 700,000 students within the American public school system were categorized as having either a language impediment or a speech impediment.

Sometimes people mistake these speech impediments for a lisp, of which they are not. It’s not such an uncommon phenomenon and actually also happens with the letter L, a phenomenon known as lambdacism. It could also be called a residual R error. Some speech pathologists, those who work with speech impediments may call this impediment de-rhotacization because the sounds don’t become rhotic, rather they lose their rhotic quality. Rhotacism is a speech impediment that is defined by the lack of ability, or difficulty in, pronouncing the sound R. What is rhotacism, what is it like in other languages, and what are its symptoms? What does it look like as a speech impediment and what are some examples? What are its causes? How does it affect the brain? Is it curable and how can it be fixed? This article will answer all your doubts about rhotacism. Remember when you were a child and spoke by making your “R’s” sound like “W’s” and everything thought it was cute? That’s known as rhotacism and some people live with it even as adults.